California Road Trip
Taking a car 1,427 miles around the California coast and Yosemite with some good friends. What more could you want.
After a couple weeks on the east Coast we took a flight to San Fran, hired a car and started our exploration.

After a few days sleeping on a sofa in San Fran we woke up at 5am and set off on our 3 hour drive to Yosemite National Park.
Even the drive was ridiculously stunning - but nothing prepares you for how remarkable Yosemite actually is. It’s stupid, everywhere you look is breathtaking.

One thing that seemed to slip peoples mind when they told us how stunning Yosemite would be, is how f*cking cold it gets as soon as the sun sets!
We naively took nothing but a cheap tent and a 1 season sleeping bag. We were both pitched on rock and froze to a point I’ve never experienced. However, even the 0 hours sleep couldn’t put you in a bad mood when you woke up to this place!

After cramming as much of Yosemite as we could in two nights, we started our journey back to the coast. On the way we realised we were close (2 hours away) to the Redwoods, so we paid them a little visit.

Highway 1
Heading back to the coast, we reached Santa Cruz. with just an hour before dark we found a random campsite on the beach. After setting up camp we had time to chill out and watch one of the best sunsets I've ever seen.

We rejoined the highway in the morning. We did plan to do the 400 miles in two days, taking it easy and stopping at every opportunity. however, even driving was so much fun we ended up plowing it out in a day and reaching LA just after midnight. I don’t think the following photos even do this journey any justice. times everything you see below by 200.

After driving for a full day we ended up sleeping on the actual highway, parallel to the coast, and hoped no one would drive in to us. One of the worst nights sleep - but we did wake up with the sun to the beach!
We took it real easy in LA. Most of it was spent at Venice beach chilling with friends.